First Aid Advice

what to do if your baby or child is choking?

Reading Gemma’s story about her son Florence choking gave me goosebumps. I ’m shamed to say before I learnt first aid, I used to leave my son eating unsupervised whilst I was running around doing the housework. Allowing about what could have happed makes me feel sick, and Gemma’s story is a timely memorial that choking happens in an moment. Gemma has bravely decided to partake her story as a warning to other parents…

Hi Gemma, can you tell us a little bit about your family?

Of course – I live with my hubby Harry. Our son Florence is 2 and a half and our son Spencer is 8 months.

Can you tell us why you decided to do a first aid class when Florence was a baby?

Giving birth during the epidemic was tough enough, and I also had a bit of a delicate birth with Florence. Myself and Harry set up it relatively intimidating to realise we were suddenly completely responsible for the good of this bitsy fragile human. I ’d heard about Mini First Aid via a baby group I attended I allowed what a fantastic idea, so I reserved a class with my original coach Anna for me and Harry. The course was incredibly instructional, practical and had lots of stories and exemplifications that we were suitable to take down. I also loved the information folder we got to take home with us.

Can you tell us about Florence’s choking incident? What was she eating?

I ’d picked her up from nursery and it was regale time – meatballs, one of Florence’s favourites! I flash back as I served her regale out I allowed “ these are a choking hazardso I cut them in half. Indeed after that I dithered, but also allowed “ no, they ’ll be fine, she’s had them loads of times before ”.

Gemma – I completely feel you then – I still cut my son‘s grapes up indeed though she’s 12! What happed coming?

Florence started put away in at the dining room table and I ’d wandered into the chesterfield to talk to Harry, holding baby Spencer. I suddenly heard a horrendous sound, like a heaving for breath. I turned to look at Florence and I’ll noway forget her little face, full of fear.

That’s fully intimidating Gemma – what happed coming?

I gave Spencer to Harry and shot over to Florence to take her out of her supporter seat – I ’ve noway moved so snappily in my life. formerly out of the supporter seat I bent Florence over my arm and with the bottom of my hand I hit the middle of her back 5 times. What bothered me the most was that she was n’t coughing – not indeed an attempt to cough, which made me realise the meatball was fully wedged.

So did you move on to abdominal thrusts?

At this point Harry ran in and started abdominal thrusts like we ’d been shown at our Mini First Aid class. ultimately Florence brought up the meatball and was sick. It was the scariest thing that has ever happed to us. The first thing Harry said was “ Thank God we did that first aid course! ”. We both sat on the bottom snuggling Florence and looking at each other with gashes in our eyes and a collective “ I’m so thankful and relieved she’s ok regard between us.

How is little Florence now?

It was actually relatively delicate because we were concerned that making too much of a fuss, or replying too explosively would worry Florence. The last thing we wanted was for Florence to develop an issue with food because of what had happed. Thankfully she was fully fine – I could tell because she had some sweets latterly! She’ll sometimes make the commentneed to bite or make me choke ”, but else she’s a happy, cocky 2 time old!

What communication would you like to give other parents Gemma?

I suppose that learning first aid is always one of those effects people might suppose about doing but noway get around to. People tell themselves “ I ’ll get round to that at some point ” or “ I wo n’t need it ”. I ca n’t prompt parents, grandparents, ANYONE enough to JUST DO IT! You’ll noway lament learning how to save someone’s life.

You can learn the ways Gemma has described at our 2 hour Baby and Child class where you’ll also learn about becks , bumps, breaks and potentially lifehanging ails including meningitis and sepsis.

what should you do if your baby or child is choking?
Babies under 1 need a different fashion to children

· 5 back slaps

· Up to 5 casket thrusts( picking stir). Check if anything comesout.However, call 999
If nothing has come out.
· Cycles of 5 back slaps and 5 casket thrusts

fashion to use for children over 1

· Encourage child to cough

· 5 back slaps between shoulder blades. Check if anything comes out and check mouth

· Up to 5 abdominal thrusts. Clenched fist between breadbasket and breastbone, with other hand over the top. In and overhead stir. Check if anything comesout.However, call 999
If nothing has come out.
· Cycles of 5 back slaps and 5 abdominal thrusts

As you can see in the vids, you need to apply quite a bit of force to dislodge the blockage when someone is choking. Do n’t forget that if you have delivered casket thrusts or abdominal thrusts, you must take your child to sanitarium to make sure no injuries have passed. This is standard procedure.

Gemma, thanks so much for participating your story – your family have been through an experience that’s really traumatic, and we’re so thankful that you have chosen to partake your story to help other families.

Stay safe everyone, Charlotte@ Mini First Aid xx

This brilliant pack is great for precluding a choking incident at home. Containing

Grape knife snappily and fluently chops grapes into safe diggings, can also be used on cherry tomatoes and large blueberries
Choke Tester use this handy device to check if ménage particulars pose a choking threat– if they fit in the tester, they’re a hazard
Sit, hash, Bite book this brilliant book teaches safe eating habits for the whole family. Ideal for reading together
Choking fridge attraction stick this on your fridge so you can snappily see what steps to take if your child is choking

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