First Aid Advice

How to prevent Hot Water Burns

hot water becks
like fire

Hot water becks
like fire- this is the crucial communication of this time’s National Burn Awareness Day. In 2022 nearly 7,500 children were burned or simmered so poorly that they were admitted to a Specialist Burns Unit.

This figure does n’t include the thousands of children seen and discharged from A&E. Every one of these thousands of children potentially leave sanitarium care with life-long scars that are painful and need to be managed, and this is before you consider the cerebral impacts of a bad burn. We ’ve asked The Children’s Burns Trust for their advice on the troubles of hot water…

how does hot water pose a peril to our children?
Hot drinks

Thirty babies and toddlers go to sanitarium with a hot drink burn every day. In addition to this shocking diurnal figure, 60 of all children under 3 who attended A&E departments are due to a hot drink burn.

help hot drink becks
using these simple rules

· Keep hot drinks out of reach of youthful children – placing them at the reverse of the kitchen face and noway on a cloth that hangs down so that a small child can reach and pull the hot drink over them.

· noway carry a hot drink whilst carrying a baby.

· noway pass a hot drink over the heads of youthful children.

· Avoid drinking hot drinks around small children.

Saucepan and kettle spills

In 2022, 531 children were admitted to an NHS Burns Service due to injuries related to an electric waggery. A farther 375 children were admitted to an NHS Burns Service due to accidents involving kettle tumbles. Make sure you

· Do n’t leave children alone around hot cuisine shells and keep them out of the kitchen when cooking or preparing food and hot drinks.

· Always use the reverse burners on the waggery when you can and turn handles in.

· Keep kettles and their cords out of reach of little hands.

Hot water bottles

Hot water bottles can be dangerous and beget becks
if they aren’t watched for or used safely. Rubber deteriorates over time so old hot water bottles can burst or blunder and beget serious becks
. The images below show an illustration of a hot water bottle burn

This image * shows a partial consistence burn on brown skin, caused by a hot water bottle. This means the top subcaste of skin( the epidermis) has been destroyed, and the dermis, or alternate subcaste of skin, has also been damaged. The skin can look broken, wet or as if it’s “ shelling ”, as seen in this image. This type of burn can be incredibly painful, as whim-whams consummations are exposed, and is also veritably susceptible to infection.

This alternate image * shows the burn in the recovery stage, around 3 weeks after the original burn. You can see the saturation returning, and this may remain patchy for life. This is because the hot water may have burned corridor of the skin to a lesser depth than other corridor.

how to use a hot water bottle safely
Have you heard of the flower symbol? They should be on ALL hot water bottles and are inestimable for guarding you and your family from a hot water bottle burn.

Look at this flower symbol. The number in the middle shows the time the bottle was made. The parts represent months of the time, and the blotches inside represent the number of weeks. So in this illustration, the hot water bottle was made in the third week of April 2021 and is now further than 2 times old. Time to buy a new bone

Other hot water bottle safety tips

· Do n’t allow a child to fill a hot water bottle.

· Hold the bottle upright by the neck when filling.

· Let the water in the kettle cool for 5 twinkles before filling your bottle.

· Do n’t fill your bottle further than two thirds full.

· After filling, precisely let the air out, holding the neck down from you as you do it before you put the breach in. Make sure this is squinched on tightly.

· noway put a hot water bottle directly on to your skin – make sure you use a cover.

· Do n’t leave your baby with a hot water bottle – if you need to, use the bottle to warm their bed also remove.

· Remind aged children noway to sit or lie on hot water bottles.

what do i do if my child is accidently burned or simmered?
Good first aid is absolutely critical in reducing pain, recovery times and inflexibility of scarring from a burn.

The most important thing is cooling the burn

· Cool the burn with cool handling valve water for 20 twinkles and remove all apparel and jewellery around the burn( unless it’s melted or forcefully stuck to the crack). For a large area of burn, it may be more applicable to use the shower to cool the crack

· Call 999 or 111 for any burn larger than a 50p coin – making sure you’re continuing to cool whilst on the call.

· After 20 twinkles, cover the burn with cleave film or a cleannon-fluffy dressing or cloth, this will help help infection.

· Make sure the rest of the case’s body is kept warm whilst cooling the affected area.

We hope this has helped you suppose about how to keep your family safe from the troubles of hot water.

still, make sure you go and check any hot water bottles in your home, If you do one thing after reading this blog. It’s the perfect reason to choose some new bottles and flashy covers to see you and the family through the cold downtime nights!

Stay safe everyone, Mini First Aid and The Children’s Burns Trust x

Sources The Children’s Burns Trust

* thank you to Marion Gbadamosi for her authorization to use these images.

The kitchen is one of the most likely places within your home for a first aid incident to do. Make sure you’re set and ready for

sharp cuts
minor becks

fractured glass
decent fritters!!
We have indeed included frippery stickers in case one of your little kitchen aides has a mishap.

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